Shocking Love
A little girl asked her grandpa if it would be very wrong of her to send a card to Osama on Valentine's Day. The old man was visibly shocked and asked her why she wanted to do so. “If I send him a card on Valentine's Day, then he might think that I am not bad, and that little kids are not bad. So he might stop hating us and gradually stop hating others and also stop killing. Then he can come to us and say that he loves us” replied the little girl. Her grandpa was really touched by this thought of his granddaughter and went to give her an appreciative hug, just when she said: “then when he comes out in the open, the army can shoot him !”
Business as Usual
At the post office Roger noticed a middle aged, stout and bald man with many heart-shaped envelopes. He was sticking ‘love’ stamps on each envelope and was spraying them with perfume. Obviously curious, Roger went up to him and asked him what he was doing. With a big grin, the man replied: “I'm sending 5000 Valentine’s Day cards signed “guess who”. Roger was taken aback—“But why on earth ?” The man replied—“You see I'm a divorce lawyer !”
Chocolaty Wish
Six year old Sandy and her mom Julia both loved chocolates. On Valentine's Day, Sandy and her dad gave Julia a big box of chocolates. After a few days, Sandy began to eye the chocolates, hoping to pop a few when no one was looking. She quietly got into the kitchen and just as she was about to reach for the box, her mom said, “If you touch it you have to eat it.” Sandy’s eyes lit up and she patted her hands over all the chocolates. “Does that mean I get to eat it all now ?”\
Some Crazy Valentine's Day One-Liners:
*“Did I tell you about that wonderful beaded dress I almost bought for you ? But then I thought you’ll look great without it, just the same.”
*“This restaurant’s terrible, but it was the only place offering 50% off on Valentine's Day dinner, so I had to bring you here.”
*“I know you don’t eat stuff with faces, that’s why I ordered turkey legs.”
*“It’s been much better ever since I accepted that my Valentine's Day dates would never be smart.”
*“My ex and I came here for our first date. Isn’t that nostalgic ?”
*Weren’t you the geekiest person in college ? How did you do a makeover ?”
*“Oh ! You’re having that ? Excuse me, got to run to the ATM.”
*“Thank god I listened to my friends, or else I would never have called you back.”
Friday, February 29, 2008
Laughter is always a good medicine....
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/29/2008 11:10:00 AM 0 comments
Q: What do you call it when a blonde dies their hair brunette?
Q: When does a brunette have 1/2 of a brain?
A: After a dye job.
Q: Why does NASA hire peroxide blondes?
Q: What do peroxide blondes and black men have in common?
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/29/2008 10:52:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Lawak bengong...
1. Tahukah anda? Apabila 350ml air yang diambil dari sinki dan kemudiannya dituangkan ke dalam cerek yang mengandungi 150ml air suling dan dibiarkan terdedah kepada nyalaan api bersuhu 100 darjah celcius akan menghasilkan satu cecair yang dinamakan air masak..
2. Percayakah anda? Air sirap merupakan salah satu bahan asas dalam pembinaan sebuah helikopter. Ini kerana kajian telah dibuat, seorang pembina helikopter memerlukan air sirap untuk menghilangkan keletihan semasa membuat helikopter, tanpa air sirap mungkin helikopter tersebut tidak dapat disiapkan..
3. Sebuah kereta yang dipandu selaju 220 km/j tidak akan dapat memotong kereta yang dipandu selaju 40 km/j sekiranya kereta-kereta tersebut dipandu dari arah yang bertentangan.
4. Tahukah anda? Dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Italy, jurugambar dikenali sebagai paparazi? Perkataan itu dipercayai diambil dari watak paparazzo dalam filem La Dolce Vita yang diterbitkan oleh Federico Fellini pada tahun 1960. Dalam bahasa melayu pula, ayah kepada seorang budak yang bernama Razzi juga boleh dikenali dengan nama papa Razzi..
5. Tahukah anda? Bendera negara Denmark telah dicipta 700 tahun lampau, menjadikan bendera paling lama digunakan di dunia lebih lama daripada penggunaan susu cap bendera..
6. Tahukah anda? Magnet ialah sejenis logam yang juga digelar besi berani. Sebagaimana namanya magnet ialah besi yang berani menarik butir-butir besi lain kearahnya. Bagaimanapun, orang yang diupah untuk menarik kereta bukanlah magnet ya!.
7. Tahukah anda? Cicak memutuskan ekornya apabila diganggu. Apabila cicak menyedari yang dia diekori oleh sesuatu, ia akan memutuskan ekornya supaya benda itu tidak mengekorinya lagi atas alasan tanpa ekor sudah tentu ia tidak akan diekori lagi..
9. Tahukah anda? Burung dapat pulang ke sarangnya walaupun telah keluar kadangkala hingga beribu kilometer daripada sarangnya tanpa sesat atau silap walaupun tanpa bantuan kompas. Ini kerana setiap sarang burung mempunyai alamatnya yang tersendiri sebenarnya..
10. Tahukah anda? Bunyi perkataan lempeng dan tempeleng adalah hampir sama walaupun ia berbeza dari segi rupa bentuknya. Tapi, walaubagaimanapun, orang yang kena tempeleng masih boleh memakan lempeng apabila dia berasa lapar..
11. Tahukah anda? Gunung berapi yang berusia tiga ratus tahun disahkan masih aktif untuk meletup. Tapi mengikut kajian ahli gunung, api elektrik di rumah kita tidak akan aktif jika tidak membayar bilnya selama tiga bulan..
12. Tahukah anda? Orang yang tidak pernah kisah langsung tentang wang ringgit, pangkat, kedudukan dan harta dunia ialah Orang Utan..
13. Tahukah anda? Ahli sains seluruh dunia bersepakat jika nasi ayam dimakan sewaktu lapar, perut kita akan mengalami satu tindakbalas yang berupa kekenyangan. Nasi ayam juga boleh digunakan sebagai ubat untuk menggembirakan hati kita bila nasi ayam yang dimakan itu dibelanja oleh kawan kita.
Kah.. kah.... Kah...
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/26/2008 04:57:00 PM 0 comments
Moga sentiasa diberkati Allah....
Walaupun ada calar dan luka, meskipun ada hempedu dan sendu.. semua itu mengukir satu enigma.. satu perubahan....
Dan hari ini, seorang sahabat yang terasa seolah baru semalam Cheq mengenalinya di berkati Allah, menyambut hari lahirnya yang ke...(tah... tetiba terlupa lak...) kih.. kih...
Pada hang Bib... hanglah sahabat, hanglah musuh...

Sahabat... tatkala kita sama-sama merangkak, melepasi lelah dan cabaran untuk menjadi diri kita hari ini... Sahabat yang tak pernah bosan berkongsi rasa, yang tak pernah penat meminjamkan bahunya untuk berkongsi rasa...
Musuh... Apabila tiap kali mahu membangkitkan Cheq yang kadang kala terhanyut di buai emosi... Yang selalu memarahi Cheq agar terus berkarya dan berkarya... (Yang selalunya membuatkan kita bertekak panjang....)
Apapun Bib.. hang adalah musuh terbaik bagi diri Cheq dan sahabat paling terindah yang Allah kirimkan pada diri Cheq agar terus `hidup'... Cuma satu saja yang mampu Cheq katakan...
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/26/2008 12:13:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kih.. kih...
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/23/2008 05:17:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dunia Baru the Movie.... lagi...
Poster igauan.....
Ni poster yang membuatkan Cheq mengelisah nak tengok sangat movie ni.. Dan akhir tercapai.. Pi tengok jugak dengan Bib, Aleeya Fida dan budak menyebuk... Hairul.. Tapi malam tu memang penuh dengan gelak ketawa... Dan terasa semu masalah dah dibawa pergi oleh cerita ini...
The Journey begin...Darius (yg panas baran), Opie (yg rock selalu), Erika(yg cuba nak bebaik ngan Opie), Tajol (semuanya adalah wang), Adif (tersepit antara Opie ngan Erika), Suzanna (minah gedik yg paling praktikal) dalam misi menyelamatkan Anizah yang diculik oleh Fazley (yg mental)... Kereta rosak, kena rompak, masukpenjara ....Pergh..indahnya hidup kalau ada kawan-kawan macam ni....
Dan perjalanan mereka ni taklah sesenang yang difikirkan... adoi.... jorney yang amat diimpikan oleh semua orang... ye tak.. (at least la kan..) Dan seperti yang bijak pandai cakap, `takkan kamu kenali sahabat kamu sehinggalah kamu mengembara bersamanya...' Ehm.. rasanya, memang betul pun kan....
Lagu ni saya tujukan kepada kawan kami, Madihah...Sepohon kayu, daunnya rimbun.... Adoi.. Part, Cheq memang dah tak boleh tahan lagi.. Kalau kat umah, rasanya dah terguling guling sebab tengok Opie ngan Hadif menyanyi dan menari (ala-ala ayam mengepak) lagu nasyid yang diubah nada rock... adoi memang lawak...
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/19/2008 11:30:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Dunia Baru the Movie... pergh tangkap cinta...
Cheq memang layan habis siri ni sampaila ke movie... Pergh.. pesanan Cheq, pi la tengok movie ni.. berani cakap, tak rugi punya.. dari pelakon, lawak dia, jalan cerita dia dan segalanya.. Cheq bagi A...
p/s: kalaula semua filem Melayu boleh buat macam ni.. yela.. tak la kata filem ni tak ada cacat cela tapi...pikiaq sendiri... pi tengok sendiri... Tahniah kat produser, pengarah, pelakon dan krew...
So, nila OST dia yang yang Cheq rasa antara yang best... So, layanla..
Dunia Baru
Cinta Antara Kita
Siapa Diriku di Sisimu...
Stesen Terakhir
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/18/2008 01:05:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Me... Myself... Love...
No matter how your role changes, you're still somebody. Nothing will ever change that....So, Learn to apply this to yourself with the following ideas, and you'll be on the road to a lifetime romance, with yourself!
Dear Me...
Write a love letter to yourself. In the letter describe what you really like about you, and what you'd like to improve about yourself. Keep it in a special place you can refer to when needed.
Scheduling Time
Make appointments with yourself to do artistic or spiritually uplifting activities. For example, you might enjoy going on a picnic at the park, taking a tour through an art museum, or taking a walk in a secluded area
The Finer Things In Life
Enjoy the finer things in life! Eat on your "good" dishes. Enjoy a candlelit meal. Listen to a favorite CD over champagne. Wear your favorite clothes. Treat yourself to unexpected present.
Enlighten Yourself
Try learning an enlightening hobby such as yoga or meditation.
Freedom Of Yourself
Give yourself freedom to make mistakes. Instead of questioning why you are doing, or may have done, something, just accept that you did it. Know inside that you'll handle it when you're ready to, and that it is okay to do just that.

Forgive yourself for something in your past. Write a letter of apology that includes everything you might have done. Seal it in an envelope, and keep it somewhere private.

Live life day-by-day. Try not to worry about what will, or will not happen in the future. Or, what may, or may not have happened in your past. All things are created in the present. Remember, your future and your past are created by what you are doing right now this very moment.
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/14/2008 11:20:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
I love you....101 reasons...
There are endless reasons why I love you but the most important is...
*I love the way we finish each other's sentences.
*I love the way I know you'll never give up on me.
*I love the fact that I wouldn't ever give up on you.
*I love the way you look at me.
*I love how beautiful your eyes are.
*I love the way I can't imagine a day without you in my life.
*I love the way if we were ever separated I wouldn't know how to go on.
*I love the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together.
*I love the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.
*I love how I know you'll always be there when I need you to be.
*I love the fact that I will always be there for you too.
*I love how when I dream of my life partner, the only person that I can see is you.
*I love how complete I feel when I am with you.
*I love how our bodies just fit together.
*I love the way you make me laugh.
*I love the way you laugh.
*I love the way you won't compromise yourself when we are together.

*I love your thoughtfulness.
*I love your tenderness.
*I love your ability to speak without saying a single word.
*I love the way we glance at each other across the room and know what each other is thinking.
*I love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you're right here with me.
*I love the way you surprise me with the perfect gifts that show you pay attention to me.
*I love the way you'll watch a sporting game with me even though you may not be interested in it.
*I love the way you treat my friends.
*I love your love for the things that interest me.
*I love the way you let me live my life freely without jealousy.
*I love how you demand respect but are not controlling.

*I love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.
*I love the way your voice sounds over the phone.
*I love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet nothings in my ear. *I love the completeness and oneness I feel when we make love.
*I love your sensuality.
*I love how our romance feels like the perfect romance movie.
*I love how you are my soul mate.
*I love the way you handle troubled times.
*I love the way you respect me.
*I love the way you protect and defend me.
*I love how you feel when we cuddle.
*I love the softness of your lips against mine.

*I love the feeling of your hair brushing against me when we make love.
*I love laying in bed at night talking about nothing.
*I love waking up to find we've been cuddling together all night.
*I love the surprises you leave for me.
*I love your intelligence.
*I love your ingenuity.
*I love your ability to make friends where ever we go.
*I love your love for life.
*I love your passion for your hobbies and interests.
*I love how every time I look at you, you take my breath away.
*I love how I thank God everyday for bringing someone as wonderful as you into my life.
*I love the fact you gave me the gift of our children.
*I love the special moments that we shared that will remain my fondest memories of you and I.

*I love how my heart skips a beat whenever you walk into the room.
*I love how you love me.
*I love how I love you.
*I love the ways you choose to show your affection for me.
*I love the way you inspire me to be more than I am.
*I love the way you spark my creativity and imagination.
*I love the way you make me feel like anything is possible as long as I'm with you.
*I love your sense of humor.
*I love the way you make me feel like royalty.
*I love the way you dress.
*I love your understated elegance.
*I love you just the way you are.
*I love your spontaneity.
*I love our life together.

*I love the fact that we will grow old together.
*I love your way with words.
*I love the way you look when your sleeping.
*I love the way you think you look awful when you first wake up when it is actually then I find you the most beautiful.
*I love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.
*I love your strength of character.
*I love taking showers together.
*I love the way you leave me love notes to find whenever you're gone.
*I love the way you treat me.
*I love the way you take care of us.
*I love your cooking.
*I love the way you take the time to thank me for doing every day things.
*I love the way you show your affection when we are around friends and/or family.
*I love the way you are not scared to show your affection when we are in public.

*I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough.
*I love the way we make up after a fight.
*I love how you treat our children.
*I love the way you support me when I'm off track.
*I love the way you take the time to show me how much you love me.
*I love your beautiful hair.
*I love your body.
*I love your openness to try new things.
*I love your ability to talk things through.
*I love your courage to be you.
*I love your greatness.
*I love the fact that you want to be with me and only me.
*I love how I am and feel when I am with you!
*I love you for you!
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/11/2008 05:47:00 PM 0 comments
Kutub utara, kutub selatan....
Ghe... cuti raya cina baru ni memang happening betui kat Cheq. Banyak benda yang Cheq buat dan berlaku. Bukan saja kat diri Cheq, keluarga Cheq pun terkena tempiasnya jugak...
Bermulanya dengan ketibaan keluarga cheq dari Kulim pada hari Rabu, Cheq memang sibuk gila... Dengan gheja tak habis-habis, then mai pulak `insiden yang tak diduga-duga'... pergh bengong la kejap otak Cheq ni nak berpikiaq dengan betui...
Sejak bertahun, dah menjadi kelaziman keluarga Cheq turun KL masa raya Cina. So, tahun ni, kami pilih pi selatan.. Saja ja nak tengok negeri tu. Ehm.. bolehla memandangkan Cheq ni `kurang berkenan' sikit ngan negeri ni.
Hari Jumaat, lepas subuh, kami pun pi la sana. Singgah berkelah dekat Air Terjun Gunung Ledang... Ghamai la pulak.. Nak cari port pun leceh... tapi selamat ada...
Nak chegita mai, tempat ni, lawa la jugak tapi memandangkan ada pengunjung yang tak ada kesedaran sivik atau mak bapak serta cikgu depa tak ajaq (atau depa buat-buat lupa apa yang diajaqkan......) tempat ni dah seghupa pusat pembuangan sampah. Tak tau la kot-kot Cheq silap cakap tapi tu la yang dapat Cheq kata... Ei.. buat malu pengunjung ja... Dah la penjaga pintu masuk tu sombong nak mampuih.. Ehm.. macam mana tempat ni nak maju...
Then, dari situ, kami terus ke Johor Bahru. Mula-mula ingat nak cari chalet kat Desaru tapi memandangkan cuti macam ni, terus cancel sebab peluang nak dapat tu memang tipis sangat.. Sampai kat JB pun dah nak dekat pukui 5 ptg.. so, terus pi umah kak Ija. Kami sepakat decided tidoq sana. Lagipun dah angah tak larat nak bawak keta... Dan la tengok anak kak ija yang kecik tu..
Ni nak cherita mai umah dia.... pergh, sepupu belah abah ni dok kat kem tentera Majidee. Disebabkan laki dia ni ada pangkat, dia dapat la umah besaq... Ehm, dia punya besaq, pergh.. sampai nak takut. Bayangla umah pegawai tentera British dulu macam mana.... Dengan tingkap stail lama, dapuq nun jauh ke belakang. toilet boleh main bola.. he.. Cheq pun naik seram. Memang besaq.. Boleh buat shooting drama seram... Saka ke, Susuk 3 ke... Jo On ke...
Next day, kami balik, singgah sat kat Dangga Bay. Panas la pulok. Semalam pi jugak tapi oghang punya la ramai. Lepas lepak situ sat, kami terus pi Ayer Itam. Shopping sat kat sana.. Ehm, penuh la jugak bonet keta tu.. Cheq dan la jugak beli tikaq buluh. buat letak kat dalam bilik... Gedebak gedebuk.. dalam pukui 3 ptg, kami pun menuju keluar dari Johor. Sampai KL dalam pukui 7.. pergh... semua terbongkang letih...
Itulah aktiviti Cheq sempena raya cina tu... By the way, ada lagi satu kejadian yang besaq tapi tak yah la kot bagitau kat sini.. nanti, pelan-pelan, Cheq habaq kat hangpa semua... so.. TUNGGU!!!!! kih.. kih...
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/11/2008 05:17:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/05/2008 03:20:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Wajah.. Rupa...???
Hi. Hi... Bermula semalam, inilah wajah baru blog Cheq... Ehm... Bolehla.. Yang pasti, Cheq suka... Saja Cheq pilih gambar kaki dan ekor tu sebab ia nampak santai, intim dan tersendiri.... Dan itulah yang Cheq rasakan sekarang.
Ehm... benda ni pun tak jadi kalau tak dengan bantuan Bib.. Adoi.. kalau fikirkan balik, memang lawak macam mana Cheq belajaq buat benda ni kat dia... (Lepas nafas panjang jap...) Bayangkan Cheq belajaq buat benda ni dengan YM.... Adoi... mau tak pecah kepala... Suruh si minah tu buat, dia tak nak... Dia nak suruh jugak Cheq buat sendiri... At last, nilh hasilnya...
So, Cheq dah ada satu lagi ilmu... Ei... Bangganya... Well, Bib. tima kasih tau... :)..
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/02/2008 04:10:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
Tibanya bulan tak cukup hari...
HUH...... dah sampai pun hari Jumaat dan yang tak bestnyer, even hari ni hari Wilayah, Cheq kena jugak datang kheja...
Tak kisah la tu.. Lagi pun memang kheja belambak kat opis ni. Mau tak mau, kena siapkan jugak..
Dan hari ni jugak, Cheq dapat kawan baru. Ehm, ada budak baru masuk umah... Kira dah ramai la sikit. Dia photografer kat HUKM... kira orait la kot. Tapi kan... dia budak Johor. Entahla... harap-harap kali ni ok...
Bulan baru ni, nampaknya banyak benda yang bakal terjadi kat Cheq... So, harap-harap mula dan akhirnya seperti yang Cheq impikan....
Posted by Shanika Latisha at 2/01/2008 05:37:00 PM 0 comments